A little about myself
I was born in Southern California, grew up in Southern Washington state, and now live in Salt Lake City, Utah. I got my bachelors degree in social cultural anthropology because I just love cultures that much. My love of cultures overflowed into my personal life and I married a man from Quito, Ecuador. We met here in the US and we had a very interesting courtship, but that is a story for another time. We have been married for seven years and have two, two year olds! Yep! They are twins, a girl and a boy.
I have worked many jobs in my lifetime, but as of right now I am a stay-at-home-mom. I love being with my kids everyday, but I am always on the hunt for fun new places to go with them. They get a bit wild when we stay in the house all day, so the more fun, cheap or free places we can go together the better!
My husband is working full time and a full time student. Basically this means we don't have a lot of free time to travel and definitely don't have a lot of money to spend on traveling, yet somehow we still manage to take several trips a year. We have traveled together from the moment we met. One of our best memories is going to Disneyland while we were dating. We drove there during the night, spent the day at both parks, slept in the car, spent the next day at the beach and drove home. It was a quick, very frugal trip, but one of the best we've ever been on! We've also traveled to Europe, South America, Canada and several states together. Traveling is a huge part of our lives.
Did I mention I am a huge Disney fan? I have gone to Disneyland or World at least once a year for as long as I can remember. I have been to Disney Paris and it is on my bucket list to visit every Disney park in the world. Our kids have been three times to a Disney park and even got their first hair cut on Main street in Disney World. I have several experiences with Disney that I cannot wait to share on this blog.
I personally have visited seven different countries, so far, and numerous states, not to mention three Disney parks, and five national parks. I in no way claim I am any kind of expert or travel specialist, but I hope my mishaps and successes will help you in your own journeys.
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